Series - Establishing link between Naturopathy and Wellness

Establishing link between Naturopathy and Wellness

Introducing Dr. Satya Narayan Yadav

Dear All- I am pleased to start my new series which focuses on establishing the link between Naturopathy and wellness. I do hope you will like this wonderful offering.

Episode 1 - Establishing link between Naturopathy and Wellness

We are what we eat

Continuing with my series with Dr. Satya Narayan Yadav, we present the impact of food on our well-being. I am sure you will continue to be benefitted from this new offering.

Episode 2 - Establishing link between Naturopathy and Wellness​

Importance of fresh and seasonal fruits

In this episode of my new series with Dr Satya Narayan Yadav – I am today sharing the importance of fresh and seasonal fruits. I also present to you interesting drinks made out of Jaggery and Fennel seeds . These drinks are very useful for summer and I am sure you will enjoy these.

Episode 3 - Establishing link between Naturopathy and Wellness

Coconut Chach & Coconut Mango Smoothie

Continuing with my ongoing series – enjoy unique recipes for making Coconut Milk and then Chaas and Mango Smothie made with this Coconut milk. I am sure you will enjoy these interesting offerings which are specially good for Summer times.

Episode 4 - Establishing link between Naturopathy and Wellness​

Virgin Pina Colada

Sharing another delicious recipe for Coconut Pina Colada

Episode 5 - Establishing link between Naturopathy and Wellness

Watermelon Cooler

Presenting a recipe for tasty Watermelon Cooler in continuation to my ongoing series. It is a very unique drink for summers. I am sure you all will enjoy this next offering in my ongoing series

Episode 6 - Establishing link between Naturopathy and Wellness

Iron Rich Coconut Drinks

In all my offerings my humble attempt is to bring to you the health benefits of my various recipes. Continuing with coconut rich recipes- today’s nutrient rich drink is called Raisins and Apricot Smoothie, Dates and Banana Smoothie