All of us want a glowing and spotless skin. However, we often look for wrong solutions. We spend a lot of time and money on finding solutions to have a glowing skin. While it is important to nourish our skin externally, it is even more important to nourish from inside as well.
Skin is most truthful part of body and it keeps no secrets. It can reveal a lot about a person’s inner health, hydration status, stress levels, sleep quality, digestion and diet habits. In very simple terms we are what we eat. The skin communicates constantly with you. Therefore, if you listen and focus – you will be able to identify the challenges. Our complexion reflects food choices we make. We need to give adequate nutrients to our skin if we want our skin to shine as brightly as possible. If you treat yourself well, your skin will reward you with a radiant and glowing complexion. However, if we fail to nourish our mind and body, we are more likely to experience a dull complexion, lackluster, with clearly visible fine lines, wrinkles and congession. Our skin does not like to be fed too much sugar, alcohol, refined carbohydrates, trans fats or processed foods. It will certainly respond with radiance if you nourish yourself with beauty boosting antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and pro-biotics. These nutrients are very essential for cellular repair and rejuvenation.
As mentioned above great skin comes from within. Whatever we feed ourselves becomes visible outside. Don’t worry I will be sharing very easy tips about some superfoods which contain all these minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, probiotics etc.
Skin friendly fruits-
Nuts-almonds and walnuts
Sweet potatoes
Red grapes
Red and Yellow bell pepper
Spinach and other green leafy vegetables
Salmon and other fatty fish
Coconut water
Flack seeds and sunflower seeds
Kidney beans
Chia Seeds etc.
Good nutrition helps take care of the body. But there is more to great skin than what you eat. Make sure, you get a full night sleep, manage your stress levels, drink adequate quantity of water. These healthy lifestyle habits will keep your skin glowing.
© Seema Mehra
[Disclaimer- if you have any specific skin, physical, medical problem or have allergies to any of these items, you should always seek an opinion from a Doctor and seek medical clearance before implementing any of the suggestions listed above]
As I begin my next series “Immunity and Food”, I will share certain tips in this and subsequent articles. The food part of my discussion is and will be covered by the videos and this small note tries to present few important tit bits.
There are various ways to strengthen our immunity-
a) Obviously the first part always is to build a strong defence in your body and for that leading a healthy life style is very very important.
b) In addition, what we eat makes a lot of difference and I will keep sharing benefits of specific foods in my videos
Let’s talk about Lifestyle and I present few tips –
a) Sleep- Sleep rejuvenates our body, this is the time when our body is healing itself so getting adequate and proper sleep is very important. Following a sleep pattern in addition to adequate no of hours is very important. Our body needs to stay in rhythm so disturbed sleep patterns do not do good to body. Disturbed sleep, or lack of sleep can cause havoc to our immunity which means exposing ourselves to potential disease.
b) Regular Exercise- Following a regular exercise routine is very important. Often exercise is misunderstood to be equal to spending hours in the Gym and doing strong work outs. Building a body in the gym is a personal preference but the perception that this is the only form of exercise many a times deter people from keeping fit. Exercise in simple terms means—keeping ourselves active, ensuring every part of our body gets appropriate exercise. Therefore following a proper routine such as walks, doing stretching and Yoga can do as much wonder. Most important thing is to ensure the routine is followed and you will see the benefits in the form of better health and an active life.
c) Stress- Prolonged exposure to stress plays havoc on body’s overall well-being. Anyone who has built a reaction to get stressed quickly usually finds him or herself in a difficult position to exit out of that habit. Prolonged long term stress weakens the immune system. There are certain techniques we can follow to reduce our stress levels-
Deep breathing
Pranayama (Yoga)
Spending adequate time in doing what we like—be it music, gardening, dancing, cooking, painting or any hobby which is to your liking. Most important thing is to follow our passion.
Make entertainment a part of your life
Socialise (in today’s world without being dependent on electronic form of socialising) — meet people, spend time, laugh, remember your best memories
Learn the habit of positive affirmation whereby you tell yourself and repeat the good experiences you have been through in life. Enjoy your achievements and learn from the failure.
d) Sun bathing- venture out in Sun. Exposure to sun also helps immunity. However be conscious of any allergies you may have or if you are advised not to do so. In any case this very limited exposure also helps enhance Vitamin D levels.
Coming to food –
There are plenty of food items which help enhance immunity. To quote a few
- Citrus fruits
- Red bell peppers
- Broccoli
- Spinach
- Ginger
- Garlic
- Turmeric
- Papaya
- Yoghurt
- Sweat potatoes
- Mushrooms
- Poultry
- Almonds
- Sun flower seeds
- Green tea
- Dark chocolate
- Mushrooms
- Shellfish
- Kiwi
- Blueberries
Etc. Etc.
To talk about few of them
a) Citrus Fruits- almost all of them are high in Vitamin C. It is easy to add a squeeze of this to any meal. Popular citrus fruits include—grape fruit, oranges, lemon, lime, amla (gooseberry). Vitamin C is an essential element for continued health.
b) Red bell pepper- they contain almost thrice the Vitamin C found in oranges. They are also a rich source of Beta Carotene. Body converts Beta Carotene into Vitamin A which in turn helps to key eyes and skin in a healthy condition.
c) Broccoli- is packed with Vitamin A, C, E, Fibre and anti-oxidants. It is one of the healthiest vegetables
d) Spinach- Similar to broccoli, Spinach is rich in Vitamin C. It is also packed with numerous anti-oxidants and Beta Carotene. These help increase the body’s infection fighting ability.
e) Yogurt- can be a great source of Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps regulate the immune system. Pro-biotics found in Yogurt help strengthen the immune system.
f) Lemon, honey, ginger and turmeric- you can drink a mixture of these in a warm water. Our ancient science talks of numerous benefits of these elements. Most people end up taking this during cold. They help strengthen immune system. Ginger particularly has anti-viral properties and can be used to reduce the discomfort of nausea and motion sickness. Lemon juice is high in Vitamin C. Lastly a chemical called Curcumin in turmeric helps regulate the immune system.
g) Nuts and Seeds- They are full of nutrients, including phosphorus, magnesium, Vitamins B and E. Vitamin E is important to regulate and maintain our immunity.
I will share more tips as we go forward in this series.
In Conclusion-
Proper nutrition will require a varied diet. Eating just these alone won’t be enough to amply increase our immune system and it does not matter how many servings we keep having without focussing on a combination of all nutrients. In addition serving size and a proper daily intake is very important. Excess of any single Vitamin or less of others doesn’t help .
Stay tuned for more updates
© Seema Mehra
[Disclaimer- please always take care of your health and always ensure you verify that you are not allergic to any of the ingredients. My videos are intended for an informational purpose. Viewers/Readers are expected to use this information at their own risk. This Channel does not take any responsibility for any side effect or any illness of any type which may be caused due to use of any ingredients for any reason whatsoever]
संजीवनी बूटी – तुलसी (Sanjeevani buti – Tulsi)

गुणकारी है लहसुन – (Benefits of Garlic)

सेहत का खज़ाना – आंवला (Health benifits of – Gooseberry)